
Cookie Policy

Analytics Cookies

Analytics cookies or performance cookies are used to track website visitors and their user behaviour. This data is then used to improve the way the website works and in turn, used to improve user experience.

Cookie NameDescriptionRetention PeriodThird Party

Contains a token code that is used to read out a Client ID from the AMP Client ID Service. By matching this ID with that of Google Analytics, users can be matched when switching between AMP content and non-AMP content.

1 yearNo

Assigns a specific ID to the visitor. This allows the website to determine the number of specific user-visits for analysis and statistics.


Registers statistical data on users’ behaviour on the website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator.

1 yearsNo

This FPLC cookie is the cross-domain linker cookie hashed from the FPID cookie. It’s not HttpOnly, which means it can be read with JavaScript. It has a relatively short lifetime, just 20 hours.

20 hoursNo

ID used to identify users and sessions

2 yearsNo

Used to distinguish new sessions and visits. This cookie is set when the GA.js javascript library is loaded and there is no existing __utmb cookie. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to the Google Analytics server.

30 minutesNo

Used only with old Urchin versions of Google Analytics and not with GA.js. Was used to distinguish between new sessions and visits at the end of a session.


Used to monitor number of Google Analytics server requests

10 minutesNo

Bevat custom informatie die door de webdeveloper is ingesteld via de _setCustomVar methode in Google Analytics. Deze cookie wordt iedere keer geupdate als er nieuwe gegevens naar de Google Analytics server worden gestuurd.

2 yearsNo

Used to determine whether a user is included in an A / B or Multivariate test.

18 monthsNo

Used to determine when the A / B or Multivariate test in which the user participates ends

18 monthsNo

Contains information about the traffic source or campaign that directed user to the website. The cookie is set when the GA.js javascript is loaded and updated when data is sent to the Google Anaytics server

6 monthsNo

Used to monitor number of Google Analytics server requests

1 minuteNo

ID used to identify users

1 yearsNo

Used to identify and track an individual user session.

2 yearsNo

Contains information related to marketing campaigns of the user. These are shared with Google AdWords / Google Ads when the Google Ads and Google Analytics accounts are linked together.

90 daysNo

Used to monitor number of Google Analytics server requests when using Google Tag Manager

58 secondsNo

Used to set and get tracking data

1 hourNo

ID used to identify users for 24 hours

24 hoursNo

Functional Cookies

Strictly Necessary cookies or Functional cookies are those that enable a website to function without them, it will either not work at all or will not work properly. These cookies include ones that enable users to log into secure areas of the website and use a shopping cart. These cookies do not track any personal data of visitors and can be dropped to the users’ browsers without consent, according to the GDPR directive.

Cookie NameDescriptionRetention PeriodThird Party

Google reCAPTCHA sets a necessary cookie (_GRECAPTCHA) when executed for the purpose of providing its risk analysis.

6 monthsNo

Cloudflare’s bot products identify and mitigate automated traffic to protect your site from bad bots. Cloudflare places the __cf_bm cookie on End User devices that access Customer sites that are protected by Bot Management or Bot Fight Mode. The __cf_bm cookie is necessary for the proper functioning of these bot solutions.

30 minutesNo

The ‘__cfduid’ cookie is set by the CloudFlare service to identify trusted web traffic. It does not correspond to any user id in the web application, nor does the cookie store any personally identifiable

5 yearsNo

When enabling session affinity with Cloudflare Load Balancer, Cloudflare sets a __cflb cookie with a unique value on the first response to the requesting client. Cloudflare routes future requests to the same origin, optimizing network resource usage. In the event of a failover, Cloudflare sets a new __cflb cookie to direct future requests to the failover pool.

30 minutesNo

Used by the content network, Cloudflare, to identify trusted web traffic.


The _cfuvid cookie is only set when a site uses this option in a Rate Limiting Rule, and is only used to allow the Cloudflare WAF to distinguish individual users who share the same IP address.


Used by Cloudflare for the execution of Javascript or Captcha challenges. These cookies are not used for tracking or beyond the scope of the challenge.


Whether a CAPTCHA or Javascript challenge has been solved.

1 yearsNo

Marketing Cookies

Marketing and advertising cookies are cookies that are related to online advertising platforms. This is the category of cookies and third party scripts that touches the user’s privacy the most.

Cookie NameDescriptionRetention PeriodThird Party

Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers

2 yearsYes

Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers

3 monthsNo

Determines the login state of a person visiting accountkit.com

30 daysYes

Authenticates logins using Account Kit

30 minutesYes

Used in conjunction with the xs cookie to authenticate your identity to Facebook.

90 daysYes

Records the Facebook URL that an individual landed on after clicking on an ad promoting Facebook

30 daysYes

Insecure indicator

90 daysYes

Used to prevent creation of fake / spammy accounts. Datr cookie is associated with a browser, not individual people.

2 yearsNo

Used to enable device-based logins

2 yearsYes

Used to open a specific location in an advertiser’s app upon installation

28 daysYes

Contains a unique browser and user ID, used for targeted advertising.

90 daysNo

Stores an encryption key used to encrypt cookies

2 yearsYes

Records the age of Facebook javascript files.

7 daysYes

This cookie contains the display locale of the last logged in user on this browser. This cookie appears to only be set after the user logs out.

7 daysNo

Used to record whether the person chose to remain logged in

2 yearsYes

Used to authenticate your identity on Facebook’s mobile website.

90 daysYes

Ad optout cookie

5 yearsYes

Used to record that a device or browser logged in via Facebook platform.

90 daysYes

The presence cookie is used to contain the user’s chat state.


Used to optimize site performance for advertisers

7 daysYes

Facebook browser identification, authentication, marketing, and other Facebook-specific function cookies.

90 daysYes

Facebook browser identification, authentication, marketing, and other Facebook-specific function cookies.

2 yearsNo

Optimizes recovery flow after failed login attempts

1 dayYes

Collects a combination of the user’s browser and unique identifier, used to tailor advertising to users.


This cookie stores the browser window dimensions and is used by Facebook to optimise the rendering of the page.


Used in conjunction with the c_user cookie to authenticate your identity to Facebook.

90 daysYes